Friday, December 07, 2007


K..To begin with…I’d like to claim THIS is an epiphany….Nice I just had to do it….anyway back to the concept..I have to admit that this is not even 5% my thought….But I just liked it so much I had to blog it….Credit goes to Riju Mathew, a junior who surprised me(by just having any idea) with this idea…But all analogies n further ideas putforth are copyrighted by me..
The general idea runs that all the colors n visions in the world are just concepts….For each person what others sees is like their dream…You know he can see it but u just don’t know the exact image he has….Now take this….Consider I was born with a “defect” which makes me see all blue as white(we’ll just take those 2 for now)….So, since the day I started learning colors I’ve been forced to call white what we generally deem as white…For all you know I might be looking at blue(or what is generally deemed blue)….Now this might seem confusing takin an individual case….On a more general basis this condenses to sayin that no one sees the same color….i’ve been callin white what has been taught to me as being white and not because I SEE it so…hows that for a fun revelation??so whoever put names for colors had the privilege of naming what HE saw how he wanted and we just followed suite….so when someone showed me a block and said “this color is white”, it should have been just “This is white”…coz on the whole it seems like color is a very vague concept…but frankly I like the white n blue I see, so I’m happy with it I guess…